Motivasi Kerja Memediasi Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja
The purpose of this study is to examine variable of Organizational Culture, and Competence have effect on Employee Performance by Motivation Variables at Department of Library and Archives East Java. This research uses quantitative approach and the method used is descriptive method, data collection techniques and field research consisting of observation, interview, and questionnare distributed to the respondents by google form. The population in this study used employee of Department of Library and Archive East Java. The sampling in this study used nonprobability sampling using a purposive sampling approach as much a 54 employees. This study analyzed using Smart Partial Last Square. The result of this study shows that Organizational Culture have Affect on Employee Performance, Competence does not have affect on employee performance, Organizational culture have affect on Motivation, Competence have affect on Motivation, Motivation have affect on employee Performance, Motivation can mediate Organizational Culture on Employee performance, and Motivation can’t mediate competence on employee performance at Department of Library and Archives East Java.
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J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Published by Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, Batanghari University |