Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan JAKI terhadap Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik di Provinsi DKI Jakarta
This research aims to explore the implementation of the intelligence phase in the development of the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application as an integral part of the Jakarta Smart City initiative. The intelligence phase, described by Herbert Simon as a crucial stage in the decision-making process, involves identifying the problem, collecting relevant data, and deeply understanding the context. Using a descriptive qualitative method approach, this research aims to dig deeper into how Jakarta Smart City implements the intelligence phase to improve electronic-based public services through the JAKI platform. The results show that the effective implementation of the intelligence phase has contributed significantly to improved quality of public services provided, better responsiveness to community needs, and improved data-driven decision-making in the development of JAKI. The implications of these findings are highly relevant and provide valuable insights for other cities seeking to develop similar smart city initiatives. By integrating the intelligence phase in the decision-making process, it is expected to improve efficiency, service quality, and responsiveness to community needs in an evolving and changing urban context. As such, this research makes a substantial contribution to the understanding of the implementation of the intelligence phase in the context of the development of the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application as part of the Jakarta Smart City initiative.
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J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Published by Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, Batanghari University |