Mengenal Riba dalam Etika Ekonomi Islam

Tatik Nurhasanah


Riba is an economic system that is opposed in Islam. However, in practice, usury remains a habit that is considered profitable. Removing the usury system is not an easy matter. Weak economic communities often have no choice when dealing with capital needs, and consider usury the only way out. However, it seems that the attraction of the usury system is not only fertile among the economically weak, but is evenly distributed in all groups of society. The purpose of this study is to find out the problem of the lack of understanding in the Muslim community about what is usury and what are its types. This results in the practice of usury but the perpetrators do not understand that what they are doing is usury. Even worse, in fact, usury has become an economic habit that is commonly practiced by many people even though that person already knows that it is usury. Not because of denying the prohibition of usury, but rather because of the inability to avoid the usury system that is already spreading. The method in this research is qualitative using literature review. Data collection was carried out by taking sources from various articles in the form of journals or books and relevant writings. And the results of this study can be seen that usury in Islamic economic ethics is strictly prohibited and must be abandoned. This is because the law of usury is unlawful and based on injustice.


islamic economic ethics; usury

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